There are rain spots on the car paint protection film, is there a quality problem?

After it rains, circle-shaped stains are formed on the surface of the car clothing, either solid or hollow. This phenomenon is called rain spots (rain stains). The fundamental reason for the formation of rain spots is that the rainwater drops on the surface of the car paint protection film  and is not removed in time, and the minerals in the rainwater adhere to the surface of the car paint protection film.


According to the nature of the rain spots, they are divided into two types: removable and irreversible. No matter what they are, they have caused certain troubles to car owners. We have sorted out the four questions that car owners and friends are most concerned about, and through this article, we will answer them in detail, hoping to help you.


Question 1: Why some rain spots can be wiped off with a hand, but some rain spots are very stubborn?

Answer: The rain spots can be wiped off with a light hand, which means that there is a lot of dust in the rainwater, which floats on the surface of the car paint protection film, and is naturally easy to remove; but rainwater often contains soluble minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and sodium, which we can see with the naked eye. If the car is not washed in time after the rain, and the rainwater is allowed to evaporate by itself, then after a long time, the deposited and retained minerals will produce obvious and difficult to remove rain spots on the car paint protection film.

 Car Paint Protection Film

Question 2: Does the appearance of rain spots mean that the quality of the car paint protection film is not good?

Answer: In theory, the higher the density of the car coating, the better the anti-fouling performance and the less likely it is to produce rain spots. However, considering that there are differences in climate in different regions, and the car environment and usage habits of different car owners are also different, the factors that lead to rain spots on car paint protection film are more complicated. Therefore, “the appearance of rain spots on car paint protection film means that the quality of car clothes is not good.” The statement is one-sided and not objective.


Question 3: Can rain spots be removed?

Answer: If the car paint protection film shows a hollow circle-like rain spot, and the stain in the middle of the circle is light, it means that the stain has not penetrated into the TPU substrate, and the overall anti-fouling performance of the car paint protection film is excellent. Generally, car washing can effectively remove this kind rain spots.

If a solid circle-shaped rain spot is formed, and the center color is darker, you need to pay attention to it. Either the coating itself has poor corrosion resistance and compactness, and rainwater can easily penetrate into the substrate to produce chemical reactions; or The car has not been washed for too long, and the substances that were originally attached to the surface of the film have penetrated deeply into the TPU substrate, forming irreversible rain spots. If this happens, you should go to the store to deal with it as soon as possible to see if it can be cleaned with weak acid car wash. Remember not to use strong acid and strong alkaline car wash, because it will cause more serious damage to the car coating. If the weak acidic car wash can’t remove the rain spots on the car cover, it is recommended that you tear off the film directly to avoid severe chemical reactions between the rainwater and the car cover, resulting in a larger corrosion area and even affecting the original car paint.


Question 4: How to avoid the formation of rain spots?

Answer: After it rains, you must wash the car in time to prevent various substances in the rainwater from penetrating into the car clothing and causing irreversible rain spots. If you want the car cover to maintain a long-lasting bright effect, you should return to the store regularly for re-inspection and maintenance. Note: Vehicles without car cover need to be washed in time after rain, because the paint surface of the car without car paint protection film protection is more vulnerable to rain erosion.

Post time: Jul-31-2023
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