Note: From time to time Research Frontiers may issue forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. This press release contains forward-looking statements. Actual results, especially those reliant on activities by third parties, could differ and are not guaranteed. Any forward-looking statements should be considered accordingly. "SPD-Smart" and “SPD-SmartGlass” are trademarks of Research Frontiers Inc.
Before we can figure out the future of personal data collection, we need to learn more about its present. The cascade of privacy scandals that have come to light in recent years—from Cambridge Analytica to Google’s shady location tracking practices—have demonstrated that users still don’t know all the ways their information is being sold, traded, and shared. Until consumers actually understand the ecosystem they’ve unwittingly become a part of, we won’t be able to grapple with it in the first place.
Although the directive was a step in the right direction, we’ve explained elsewhere why it does not provide adequate protection for EU persons’ data and is too weak to serve as the legal basis for Privacy Shield. This report makes it even clearer that the directive fails to cure the fundamental problems with U.S. surveillance law.
We demonstrated widefield photothermal imaging of a thin PMMA film (486.89 ± 0.16 nm) and evaluated the SNR as a function of imaging speed (Fig. 5). A total of 1054 frames was captured in 410 ms, i.e., 0.39-ms exposure time per frame, with a field of view of 136 μm by 108.8 μm. This results in a WPS imaging speed of 1250 frames/s. For noise measurement, a reference experiment was performed, with the pump turned off. Therefore, the subtracted results were pure noise from the camera and the probe photon fluctuation. The SNR was calculated from the center region (25 pixels) by the ratio of the mean difference between the signal and reference to the SD of the noise. Figure 5A shows a single frame from the time trace, with the SNR calculated to be 2.3. Notably, the single-frame chemical image was based on only eight IR pump pulses. To further improve SNR, frame averaging was used as a trade-off of imaging speed (Fig. 5, B to E). We measured and calculated the SNR of each frame and fitted the results with a power function (Fig. 5F). The solid curve was the fitting result of different accumulating frames. The exponent term was 0.48, close to the theoretical limit of 0.5, indicating that the setup has been optimized for working near shot-noise limit. A video with an imaging speed of 1250 frames/s is available (movie S2). The signal intensities were relatively stable during the 0.42-s recording period, implying no sign of sample damage or photobleaching.
"These particles can be functionalized with molecules that experience antibody-antigen interactions, and these interactions are very specific, so they can tell you whether there are some pathogenic agents in the environment or in the body, and you can extract these agents and analyze them," he said.
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This is another recent AAA title (based on DX11) that makes for a good measure. It’s a similarly demanding blockbuster title.
So what? you might ask. When you play “Bandersnatch,” is it really reflecting your true nature, anyway? Are you choosing to attack your therapist because you have deep-seated anger issues, or is it just for entertainment value? Many decisions lead to dead ends, which means that you have to go back and make a different choice again anyway. Do your choices in the show really reveal that much about you?
This week, at the Aircraft Interiors Expo (AIX) in Hamburg, visitors are seeing the results of an estimated $200+ million investment by these companies to bring the best in comfort, enjoyment, safety and functionality to airline passengers. The performance and reliability of these Vision Systems’ products surpass all other products on the market, including “electrochromic” EDWs.
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Personal information is currently collected primarily through screens, when people use computers and smartphones. The coming years will bring the widespread adoption of new data-guzzling devices, like smart speakers, censor-embedded clothing, and wearable health monitors. Even those who refrain from using these devices will likely have their data gathered, by things like facial recognition-enabled surveillance cameras installed on street corners. In many ways, this future has already begun: Taylor Swift fans have had their face data collected, and Amazon Echos are listening in on millions of homes.
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